This is nothing to be ashamed about. All men have experienced it in some form at one time in their life or another. It is not anyone's fault. It just happens. Of course I am talking about peformance issues. Sometimes it is referred to as stage fright, but more commonly it is referred to as being PeePee shy. For you women out there, this is when a man is in a situation where he needs to pee, but because of his surroundings he is unable to pee.
Well, I had a peepee shy experience today. I went to pickup my sons from their piano lessons. I was a little early and needed to use the restroom. I have about an hour drive home and sometimes by the time I get home I am in dire need. So, politely I asked if it was ok and quietly excused myself to the other room. I got into position and looked up above the toilet. Below is what I saw.

I couldn't go. How could I? There was this sweet, but very sad, little girl looking right at me. She even seemed to have a look of disappointment. So, I immediately lifted the toilet seat in hopes that she wouldn't judge me anymore. It didn't help. She kept staring at me with those sad puppy dog eyes.
I tried for another minute. I even closed my eyes and tried to go to my happy place to relax. No good. Her piercing eyes found me, even there. So, I gave up. Luckily, their lesson ended soon and we were on our way home.
At home I quickly ran into the bathroom. I looked around and found myself alone and quickly found relief.
Once again you are killing me Brandon.
I think I had a similar experience. I just got back from a long road trip and was "holding it" for a very long time. Once I got to the toilet, I couldn't understand why I didn't just go…
My mom has a similar picture in our guest bathroom. In addition to that, there's a mirror placed strategically... basically, I don't think she was considering boys standing up when she put it there. My guy friends think it's hilarious
I got a good laugh out of this. I guess you couldn't just close your eyes. I'm not a guy, I wouldn't know.
Oh, btw, I found your blog from the mormonmommyblog as you are apparently a nominee for a spotlight.
So wait a minute...did you take a picture of their picture on the wall??
Very funny post.
man, that's just too funny. I don't think I'd be able to do anything with a picture like that looking at me.
What kind of crazy person would put that there knowing full well that grown men would be doing business while looking at a small sad child. Crazy.
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