I love Christmas. I have since I was a little child. Now that I have children of my own, I am even more excited. I can honestly say that I would rather get nothing for myself and just get gifts for my wife and kids. I love the looks on their faces when they open a gift. So, as soon as silly Halloween was over, I decided that it was time to put up the tree. I know it is early and we haven’t even gotten to Thanksgiving, but I have decided that with the way I eat, everyday is Thanksgiving. I give thanks for every super sized Big Mac meal. I stop and think about the fact that without the support of the Native Americans, I would not be enjoying my two all beef patties, lettuce, pickle, and special sauce all on a sesame seed bun. So, it is time for Christmas. A radio station has started playing Christmas music and we have started putting up our decorations.
Well, I had to edit this post. I may have lost a little of my Christmas spirit. I forgot how dang long it takes to put up our Christmas tree. I nearly burned out my drill again this year. However, I don’t know if it is all that Mountain Dew leaking out of my eyes, but I got a little misty eyed when I saw the tree all lit up again this year. Merry Early Christmas Y’all.

The best is the 2 Liter bottle at the top of the tree. Is this why we haven't invested in a real tree? You are planning on "making" one?
You really did have me going for a second there.
I've said this before, but you really should apply to be included in the males section of the Mormon Mommy Blogs list:
You'd have an advantage at getting noticed when you're part of such a small minority, and your blog is funny enough to deserve the attention.
Hey, wait -- you're there already!
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