Sorry I have not posted in a little while. See about a week and half ago my Grandfather passed away. He was 79 years old at the time. He had fought and survived lung cancer about 10 years ago. He had also survived a major heart attack a few years back. He was a good man that served his church, his community, and his family.
As I attended his funeral in Arkansas and visited with family members, I was reminded of many stories about his life. I hope you will indulge me by allowing me to share a few here.
The first story is also my oldest memory. I have a horrible memory thanks to a playing chicken on my bike with a dump truck. Anyway, when I was just 3 or 4 I went fishing with my Dad and Grandpa. I was too young to enjoy the quiet and peace of waiting for a fish to bite. So, I took out my Grandpa’s tackle box and started throwing bobbers into the water. I remember that it was so cool. They floated no matter how hard I threw them into the water. After two or three of the throws my Grandpa told me to stop. I quickly threw another one. He then told me that if I threw one more into the water he would throw me in. So, of course I threw another one. I remember that the bobber had barely hit the water when I was in the air. I hit the water and remember all of the lily pads floating around me. I was never in danger and he quickly pulled me out, but I never tested him again. If he told me something I knew he meant it. Being a father now, I try to instill the same level of obedience in my children. Before you call DCFS, I have never thrown any of them in the water.
The next story was when my Father was in high school. My Dad and his older Brother where both large, even in high school. My Dad went on to serve for many years in the United States Marine Corp. His Brother served in Vietnam as a Navy Seal. So, I would never ever think of crossing either of them. However, my Grandpa did just that after one of their football games. He had watched the game and felt like they weren’t hustling enough. So, as soon as they got home he told them they needed to work harder. So, they needed to run down to the Piggly Wiggly and get a piece of trash out of the dumpster. Then they could run home. My Dad thought he would be smart and save his self some trouble. So, he took off real quick and as soon as he was out of site of his brother he grabbed some trash on the road and hid in a bush. He then relaxed and waited for his brother to return. As soon as he saw his brother coming back he took off from the bush. He ran as fast as he could, to look like he was really tired, back home. As soon as he got to the door he saw my Grandpa standing there with a telescope. Nothing was said. My Father turned around and this time ran all the way to the grocery store.
I love my Grandpa very much and will miss him until we meet again.
Angie's chocolate chip cookies
5 weeks ago
These are some great stories, Brandon. I am sorry for your(temporary) loss, he must have been quite a guy!
Sounds like your grandpa was a great man. Mine was too. Won't it be awesome when we get to the other side and can share all the memories we shared together.
I hope your family is doing okay.
Great post. Thanks for sharing it!
- Chas
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